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Stats from Shadow Ryusaki

TE Name :
Status :

Characters :
Character 1Character 1Shadow RyusakiMale/Female ChainatanaDepends, at times it is darkness and light and a skill called moon then at times it is just an all out blast of different elements called
Character 2Character 2Ryoku RyusakiFemale A sword and a gun, more details later.No powers, just a lot of different attachments to her weapons.
Character 3Character 3Little ShidowFemale NonePower of emotional and normal energy/mana.
Character 4Character 4ShidowFemale Whatever she can findEnergy/Bone/Black blood and Mana
Character 5Character 5PoriFemale Basically whatever game she says.Power over AI and something else special. Wait till her sheet comes. A better sheet.
Character 6Character 6(Wow only six? I have about 200...)